From the client perspective, he/she feels like visiting a market, where he/she can find information about the products, put them on his shopping cart and can pay by credit card or other options. From our client perspective, the online store allows him to increase their sales without the need of being physically represented in other territories.
Thus far, the system has been implemented for a wide range of clients, from those who sell clothes to those who sell replicas or other luxury goods. The system can be integrated to any website in an easy manner and it allows the client to maintain current product offerings, through completion of forms from the Content Management System. is responsible for implementing procedures required to enable an e-commerce account for the entire system to function properly. After enabling the account, the client will have a direct relationship with the provider of e-commerce services.
To implement this system, first we install our Content Management System (WSP), then templates are generated and a “products module” is implemented according to customer specifications, if no specifications are defined by the client, default properties are used. If necessary, additional modules are implemented. While implementing the “shopping cart” security protocol https requirements are met. Then if the system has a “payment gateway” it is incorporated to the check out process depending on the supplier. Finally, the system is tested and adjustments are done if required.